Welcome - Site under construction
Familia Nostra
it's all about our people!
Home Page
Our Tree Page
Families Page
Gallery Page
Button Link to Military Men page
Button Link to Journeys page
Family Tree Diagrams
Button links to Galbrath Scotland & Australia pages
Button link to Kempster page
Button link to Fauckner page
Photographs and film archive
06/01/2022 1921 UK census published – F M Kempster not listed!
06/01/2022 1939 UK Register published – this effectively bypasses the 100 year rule for the 10 year UK Census which was not taken in 1941 and the 1931 Census was destroyed by fire. Thanks to those who did this – much appreciated by family historians!
site updates
04/01/2022 Home Page – Video added
23/02/2022 Login Page added
07/03/2022 Home Page – Privacy Policy
18/02/2024 Header repair/update
you can find details of our three main ancestral trees under 'families' - top menu.
Amazing Things for You

Yay – you’ve scrolled down this far so it seems this website has piqued your interest. Stick with it – there’s plenty of interesting stuff here and all relevant to your family history.
I’ve been researching our family history for 27 years and collected lots of information and documents and wondered how best to present the most interesting bits in an easily accessible and durable form.
The light eventually dawned and here is the result. With zero knowledge of HTML (hypertext markup language) or web design I took the plunge – setting up a domain, host and WordPress platform is relatively straight forward BUT don’t believe the Youtube pundits who lure you with claims of “WordPress in Easy Steps”! OK – the steps may be fairly easy but there are hundreds of them!! Yes, I hear you website designers chuckling to yourselves!
WordPress is ‘open source’ so I feel comfortable using the internet as was originally intended.
Despite there being plenty to do to ‘tidy up’ this website, I’ve opted to publish now as it’s already taken months to get his far! For instance, buttons can be replaced with ‘child menus’ but, having spent yonks learning to make those fancy buttons, I’m loathe to bin them just yet!
The obvious benefit of posting stuff on a website is that it’s dynamic and I intend to keep the site growing with your support. Please let me know if you spot something awry or have more info or pics to add – just email me and I’ll get it sorted. Time to explore – you should find the site fairly easy to navigate – have fun!
Please scroll down for more information and options.
Fauckner Family circa 1895
Your monument shall be my gentle verse
That eyes not yet created shall o’er read
And tongues to be, your being, shall rehearse
When all the breathers of your world are dead
You still shall live, such virtue hath my pen
Where breath most breathes – in mouths of men
Shakespeare – Sonnet 81

Want to see more? Just click the button on the right for details of our family heroes who risked life and limb to defend our countries’ freedoms and way of life.
You may also be interested to read about journeys (some tragic) which have featured in the lives of those whose genes we have inherited. The lower button will get you there (don’t forget the seasickness pills!).
Privacy Policy
For security and to maintain a degree of privacy, I’ve set the site to reject search engine indexing and included password access. Family history is, of course, all about vital information and I’ve so far only included details of those now deceased with the exception of myself (just one foot in the grave!). This may change as there’s the possibility to add private links to living family groups generated by my Family Historian software if users are interested. Rest assured your details will not appear here without your consent. Another idea may be to add a ‘Living Legends’ page for those of my generation to inform youngsters about our lives – we haven’t always been old codgers!? Most of us seem to have no qualms entrusting our details to social media and numerous other sites. Anyway, over to you!
Kem Galbraith. kemg2@pm.me

Website platform:
Web Hosting:
Website Builder:
Elementor Pro